Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Estoy llena.

I kinda feel like i'm going to pass out from fullness right now. Soup, eggs, bread, ham, this other weird stuff, and pudding. They just keep putting more food in front of you and you feel rude if you don't eat it! Oh boy, good thing i'm walking so much.

I can not wait till it gets warmer though! Its pretty cold here right now and has rained really hard the past couple days. Its kinda annoying when its raining and you have to walk everywhere. It could be worse I guess. I'm about a 20 minute walk from the center of the city so today I ordered a Sevici pass which is a city run bike system. There are bike stations all around the city so you can rent a bike for thirty minutes at a time from any station and leave it at any other station. It's only 13 euro for the whole semester! It will be really nice once it gets warmer out since I will be able to get to the city center in about 5 minutes and hang out by the river or in a corner cafe!

I got my class schedule today and it looks like my earliest class all semester will be 10:30. I always get so lucky. It's only a ten minute metro ride to the school too so i'm pretty excited about that as well. I also got into the class I was worried they weren't going to have so it looks like next semester i'll only have to take 11 hours! Yay! I placed into an advanced spanish class so i'm a little worried about that but hopefully I will just learn that much more! I already feel like i'm learning a ton.

Anyways I'm trying to take a ton of pictures so more will come soon to facebook. I miss everyone. Sorry if this is a really boring blog, comment if you are reading though!



  1. Of course we're reading ! And it's not at all boring. xoxo, Dad

  2. Todd and I following you! It is 5 degrees in Minnesota right now, so think about that when you are out and about! We love you! Lisa

  3. I love your blog! It is so cool. Love Mom
