Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Hood

Did some exploring around where I live yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. Before when I went out walking I would just go to the city center because it's the old area that's near the river and the cathedral and is really pretty. I live in the newer part of Sevilla which is deceiving because it's a lot of construction and nothing that special at all but yesterday I decided to walk past my building(walking further away from the city center) and discovered it's not all that bad. There were some really cute homes that were really close together but all very differnt(kinda reminded me of southern California) and a lot of cafes and tapas bars that I want to go to! It made me realize I have a lot more to see.

Speaking of a lot more to see, from here on out I have a trip planned and am leaving Sevilla for atleast one day of every weekend. Ahh! It's crazy! I can not wait to start traveling. This weekend API is taking us to Cadiz which is on the beach about two hours away and the week after that I get to go to Granada. I also have plans to go to the Canary Islands, Lagos, Florence, Prague, Morrocco, and Dublin! I'm going to be a busy girl. It's a good thing I'm only taking four classes! I'm really starting to enjoy my classes a lot more now, especially my spanish classes. I'm learning a ton! I kinda feel like I don't have very much contact with the people here though. The only time I really get to practice my spanish is when we go out on the weekends so I guess here's to going out more! Haha, anyways here are some pictures as promised of my residencia and the view from it!



  1. So the main take away from your blog is you could've come to So Cal and stayed with us for the exact same experience? Oh well, your upcoming travels sound so cool. I cant wait to hear about the Canary Islands, supposed to be epic surf there. We miss you! Skype us sometime.

  2. Is that the dining room table in the middle of the living room? What floor are you on in the builing?
